Fresh out of college with my license in Social Work (aka, golden ticket to change the world) and head-over-heels in love with my highschool sweetheart turned husband, money had no grip on my heart. I knew the second I chose Social Work as a major that I would never be rich. And I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was help people and make a difference, one soul at a time.
A couple kids into life and with my career placed in long-term storage, however, I found myself stuck at home, sowing seeds of resentment and jealousy. Now, I'm not good at gardening, so I really should've known better. As my eyes wandered the world around me, mostly via social media (because two babies), I realized everyone else’s lives seemed so much better than mine: the things they were doing, the houses they were buying, the places they were going, the clothes they were wearing. We had a tiny house, an average car, and we were trying to dig ourselves out of some debt on a tight budget. And I, Ginger Savior Barbie, found myself tired, overwhelmed, frugaled-out, and wanting MORE....
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