January 26: Fruit Smoothies

Fruit smoothie = frozen bananas + frozen strawberries + can coconut milk + chia seeds + honey

I'm generally not a fruit person {give me a salad any day}, or a breakfast person for that matter {coffee isn't breakfast??}, but these fruit smoothies we've been whipping up in the morning have successfully filled both those voids for me in a very delicious way! Because the fruit is frozen and the coconut milk is rich and fatty, they come out delectably creamy and smooth. The kids have been loving them and ask for them now, too {shhh... don't tell them that it's in fact a very healthy breakfast!}. 

I know I've only scratched the tip of the iceberg that is yummy smoothie combinations, so I'm excited to try other recipes. What are your favorite smoothie combinations?? Do tell!!

January 25: What I'll Miss Most

I think what I'll miss most about having a little baby in the house…

more then their wide, black eyes when they first open them after birth, 
more then their tiny fingers and toes that get bigger each month, 
more then that first sweet smile, 
more then the excitement with each milestone accomplished, 
more then the angelic glow upon them as they sleep, 
more then my heart melting at the first utterance of "mama!"
more then those first wobbly steps, 
more then their miniature, white, chicklet teeth, 
more then their infectious laughter and ticklish tummies, 

...is holding their tiny, warm body in my arms. Snuggling, needing a hug, or being rocked to sleep. They fit so perfectly in the crook of my arm; their little head nestles into my shoulder like a puzzle piece that fits just right. For a small moment of time, it's like we're still together as one. We sway together, back and forth, slow dancing in the kitchen. We rock together, to and fro, drifting off at nap time. Her head on my shoulder and my head on hers, I feel her warm little body in my arms and our hearts beat together in unison like they did long ago. I forget, for a moment, that more then a year has past. I forget, for a moment, that another year will pass, and another, and she won't be my little baby anymore.

January 18: Brown Sugar is Not Breakfast

We have apples, bananas, cereal, pretzels, craisins, and the like that the kids can grab for a snack when they wake up. I noticed there were a couple bowls missing from the dishwasher this morning, so I asked Clayton what he and Toby had for a snack this morning. Guess what he said? A bowl of brown sugar. 

A. BOWL. Of. Brown. Sugar.

This. Is. Not. FOOD.

Or a snack, or even a treat. 

Who eats A BOWL OF SUGAR FOR A SNACK?? The boy with seven cavities, that's who. I thought we were past this, so I was a little frustrated... At least he told me, and he didn't add food coloring to it this time. What to do with him...