Some Thoughts on Knowing God: "Momma!! I Don't Hear You Walking..."

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. {Genesis 3:8}

Eva has been potty-trained for almost a year now, but as those of you with little ones know, it sometimes takes a while before they can do all the wiping and whatnot by themselves. So, she will sit and wait for me to help her.

"Momma! I'm done!"

"Okay, I'm coming." I reply.

Now, "I'm coming," rarely means I'm coming right now. It usually means I'll come when I've finished what I'm currently doing, when I'm done helping whatever child is needy, or when I must finally relent my comfort and get up off the couch.

So if I don't come quickly enough for her liking, she will start yelling out to me. 

"Momma, I'm done!"

"Momma! I don't hear you walking..."

"Momma!!! I. DON'T. HEAR. YOU. WALKING!"

And I laugh, because my 2 year old knows the sound of my footsteps approaching the bathroom to help her, and she also knows she can't hear them yet, which means that I'm not, in fact, coming.

Sitting on the couch with her this morning while she and her brother watched a dinosaur show, I thought about that concept. How she knows the sound of my walking. How, likewise, I know the footsteps of those with whom I live and love. I know what it sounds like when my husband walks by. The door can be shut, and I still know without a doubt that it's him. 

I know what it sounds like when her tiny, two-year-old feet are frantically slapping the hardwood floor, running as fast as they can after the dog. I know what her oldest brother's feet sound like when they're upstairs stomping around like a gorilla. And I know whose feet are out of bed and coming back down the stairs at night when all the little feet in the house are supposed to be asleep. 

I know the sound of their walking.

Can you imagine being in Adam and Eve's position (I'd say shoes, but my guess is they weren't wearing any) and knowing the sound of the Lord walking?

They communed with the Lord. They were intimately acquainted. They worked together, talked together, and did life together.

They knew the sound of his footsteps.

And I guess the question to us today is, can you hear Him walking?

Do you know your Father's footsteps?

The reality is, He's moving and working among us, regardless of the state of the world today. But can we hear it? Are we looking for his footsteps? 

May the soil of our hearts be fertile and ready to focus on him alone. 

May the harvest of our minds produce a crop of revelations from his Spirit.

May our eyes be clear as water to see his sovereignty and grace. 

And may our ears be intimately tuned to his character and ways

that we may hear him walk in the cool of the day.

September 2: Burlap & Heat Exhaustion


1) Daddy isn't home to sit in his daddy chair, so I'm currently taking up residence there. I'm hot and tired.

2) I have a love/hate relationship with slushies. I think they taste like crap and make the kids a little crazy, but they really enjoy them on a hot day. The only catch is, the rest of Cleveland does, too, and the red and blue run out quickly...

3) It's now 4:00pm and I'm not sure what's for dinner besides leftovers, which we had last night. Leftover leftovers. Is that a thing? That birthday banner has been up for a week and a half too long, and the floor is a mess. 

4) And burlap pumpkins in the Target Dollar Spot???? Yes, please. Also, do you think that if I decorate, fall will come? Now to find my motivation. I think it's buried under a hot, heavy blanket of heat somewhere. Probably on my living room floor. I'd check, but I can't reach it from my chair...  

How are you all doing??

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August 31: Meatless Monday My Pig's Butt

Tonight I made cabbage and noodles for dinner, except it's Meatless Monday. 

But Meatless Monday is not the boss of me, so I'm thinking about converting to Bacon Monday's. That sounds like a pretty good trade to me! 

Meatless Monday's my pig's butt.

But really, I don't know who I'm kidding, because we don't have individually themed meal days at my house. That would typically require something they call "meal planning" and "making a shopping list," neither of which are ideals that I currently subscribe to, much to my budget/husband's chagrin. 

So meals generally fall into a solitary, over-arching theme of "what's available." Basically, we will eat, but I have no idea what it will be until about 4pm. You can ask me then. ;)

P.S. Link up some of your favorite bacon recipes in the comment section if you want, because I'm going to need some inspiration!

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August 29: A Time for Everything

There's a time for pumpkin pancakes and a time for polite handshakes.

There's a time to celebrate with a pizza buffet; a time for young boys to argue about Lecrae.

A time to paint nails and brush long hair, a time to Google evidence that may not be there. 

A time to give a statement to the law, and a time to wish, once again, you'd taken a picture of it all. 

A time to wonder if you're really quite strange, yet this "mundane" mom life you'd never exchange. 

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