June 11

Would you like to know what the two-year-old translation of "go to the bathroom and go potty" is? Apparently if you are Toby, it means go to the refrigerator {which is next to the bathroom, but really isn't the bathroom at all}, get out an egg, drop the egg on the floor, leave the refrigerator door open, and take what is left of the egg and put it in the bathroom sink, all while NOT going potty...

At least he's cute, right???

June 7

This baby hates food. She spits it out, vomits, & otherwise refuses to eat it. 😁 No comment regarding potty training, take 3, day 2 lest I jinx it. 

June 6

"To live will be an awfully big adventure."

First day off school & Relay fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese. Oh, & spontaneous potty training, take 3.

June 5

Wednesday. Last day of school!! That's his sweet teacher, Mrs. Salinas. I CANNOT believe that the two bigs will both be in school in a few months... {*tear*} Although, ask me again at the end of the summer & I might be thinking differently. πŸ˜‰

June 4

"That's a weird giraffe with a loooong curly tail & long nails." {Clayton}

And a major accomplishment: after all the crazy weather changes, I FINALLY got all the kids winter clothes packed up in bins & put up in the attic! I neglected doing this with the summer clothes last fall {i.e., they literally sat on their dressers the entire winter & spring}. But on a positive note, it sure made getting ready for summer pretty easy! Lol

June 3

Clayton graduated from kindergarten today!!! Oh my... I'm officially a mother of a first grader and a kindergartener. He rapped his ABC's & 123's, & he rapped about the seasons & respect. We go to school in Cleveland, yo. Fo shizzle.

Thanks to everyone who came to support him!! He was very blessed. :)