July 13

Pop Up Pearl, arm paintings, popcorn, & sno cones. Worn outness followed up by some time at the park. And I got the sweet potatoes really warm again, and she not only ate them, she HOOVERED them. The whole thing. Is that really all I had to do?? I would've done that 1.5 months ago and avoided the constant battle with the baby food banshee if I'd known it was that simple. The kid likes her food hot. Sheesh.

July 12

Happy Cow Appreciation Day!! We've gone every year for the past several years, & it's always fun. And big day, Eva took WILLING BITES of oatmeal cereal... 

A bird also somehow managed to get stuck in the chimney, which is blocked off inside the house. It was the talk of the day amongst the kids. There were discussions of Santa & the bird--maybe Santa will find the bird, maybe the bird will kill Santa... I got nothin. Toby just kept saying, "I can't believe there's a bird in our chimney..."

July 10

Big day at the Roberts household: little Eva started crawling at 7.5 months! :) And we were fortunate to avoid all the crazy flooding that happened today after 16 straight days of rain... Oh, and I warmed up the baby food a little more then usual, and Eva actually closed her mouth, tasted it, and...wait for it...SWALLOWED. We might be onto something here. *not holding breath*

July 9

The two bigs were gone today, so I got to make tortillas in peace {with Major Crimes} this afternoon while the littles slept. :) And, I laid the baby down on my lap to feed her & she had no choice but to swallow her sweet potatoes. Ha! Baby=0, Mom=1. For today, that is. 

Homemade Strawberry "Ice Cream"/Popsicle recipe here

July 8

Monday Funday. Lunch at a park with the fam, first time at Starbucks for the boys, & the Cardinals won their baseball game {22-0!!}!

July 6

Ruby is getting so big... I remember when those little feet could barely keep the dress shoes on, & now they almost don't fit anymore...