August 19

'Twas the night before school, when all through the house, every creature was stirring, except for the mouse. The book bags were placed by the door with great care, in hopes that the morning would go smoothly if prepared.

The children were fighting and not going to bed, because anticipation and excitement filled their heads. And Daddy in his shorts and I in my shawl, had just finished banging our foreheads against the wall.

I think it's fair to say I'm ready. They can go back to school now. Ready to trade in the 8:30 wake up time for some sanity. Kthanksbye.

August 16

Garage sale, day 2. Less traffic today but we still made some $. I had a few lovely visitors, as well! And apparently, Starbucks does deliver via your sister. :)

PS, Although the kids were in the garage, they weren't for sale. Ask me again tomorrow, though, and I might change my mind. ;)

August 12

Good day today. More pictures than fit in the collage. Eva's fever finally broke & her spirits seem to have lifted a little. I managed to capture the face that we've seen a lot these days as she's been whiny & in pain. She makes an O with her mouth & says "HOOOOOO!!" like a little owl. :) 

August 11

Little Eva is sick with a fever. :( Clayton had his baseball picnic this afternoon--his team was in first place! Go Cardinals & "team Roberts!"