March 5

Ruby is feeling a little better, but now I'm down for the count. We share very well as a family, apparently. So gross. We did manage to survive the day, & daddy was able to do all the running around for us. That is the baby coloring on the table & eating the marker. I got nothin. They're all still alive, though.

March 4

Toby is feeling a little better, & now Ruby's down... I so look forward to the day when they can make it to the toilet. Or the sink. Or the garbage can. Or any sort of container, really. 

February 26

I LOVE the clothing closeouts at Marc's!! It's like a vortex that draws me in EVERY TIME and eats all my clothing money. But at least I get my money's worth! 3 summer dresses (come on, summer!!), athletic shorts, and a dressy tank top for $19. Boom.

Eva shared the taco dip with me for dinner. You can tell. It's been Beva-fied.

Clayton was writing up his report tonight in his very best handwriting, & he was doing a great job! He said, "it's my best secret." I asked what was, & he said, "my neat handwriting. I only bring out my messy handwriting at school." I said, "yes, that is a very well-kept secret!"