April 30

I have never had a kid poop in the bathtub....until Eva. Tonight she did it again, for the third time. 

Child, it is not a toilet.

April 27

My diet today was as follows: Basta salad for breakfast, coffee, a bite of a church pastry, ranch/hot sauce with a side of chicken tenders and fries for lunch, a handful of strawberries, more coffee, and a bowl of pasta & sauce with sausage for dinner. And then a cupcake. 

I have a feeling that I will regret this day the next time I step on the scale at Marc's. And that's not awkward at all, by the way. You know, weighing yourself in front of all the other patrons as they exit the store…. Right.

But those cupcakes are awesome. I keep making them, so it naturally follows that I eat them. Because it's definitely that one cupcake that's the problem here. 


April 26: The Artist Within: Jen's Birthday Abduction

To celebrate my sister Jen's Birthday, we showed up in the morning with coffee & doughnuts and took her to a painting class in the afternoon. Great food, lots of laughs, some mad painting skillz, and a really good time!! Our day in photos:

Ah, the proverbial blank canvas...

Birthday girl

"Maybe if you weren't so self-loathing you would enjoy yourself more."




And what would a birthday celebration be without some shopping…

Happy Birthday Jen!! 

April 23

When we first met the neighbor kids, Clayton came running back inside and said, "Mom!! Did you know that the boy's name is Bagel?!?!" 

I responded, "no honey, his name is Vega." 

"Oh," he said, "well, Toby thinks his name is Bagel and that's what he's calling him."

We both started cracking up, and I seriously laughed for twenty minutes straight. 

I'm still laughing. 

And Toby still calls him Bagel. 

#idie #laughing

April 17: Happy Birthday Ruby!

Ruby couldn't wait to come home and change into her new clothes. :) She took chocolate chip and m&m cookies to school to share today and got 100% on her recycled project. Her birthday dinner of choice was Subway. I still can't believe she's 6 already!!