July 2

The Cardinals are still undefeated!! :) And on another note, we (and by we, I mean mostly my husband, but I shall take credit, as well) have kept this little flower alive for over a month now. There should be a medal for that considering my black thumb. I may have gotten a little over-zealous and over-watered it in all my over-zealousness today, so hopefully it will live on. Ruby planted the seed at school and was super excited to see it finally bloom today!! She says it's a moon flower. I have no clue.


June 23

We had swimming lesson this morning, and while the older two LOVED IT, Toby was crying & scared of the water... It's times like this when I remember that he's only three. He's still so little. I hope he warms up to the idea, or it's going to be a painful two weeks.

At lunch I tried to give Clayton a handful of watermelon because he hadn't gotten any, and he refused. I asked him what fruit he planned on eating then, since watermelon was the only option. He said, "mom, I don't need any watermelon. I have bacon." 

Um, nice try buddy, but I'm afraid that doesn't count. ;) Now, if Micheal Symon were in charge, on the other hand...


June 20

I've been on this hotdog kick lately, which is disturbing to me. I ate some for breakfast this morning. 


This is serious.

I mean, I generally like to think that I'm a pretty healthy eater. Besides my Starbucks addiction. And my thing with French fries (and pizza) on Fridays. And my excessive condiment usage. #putsranchonallthethings

Besides all that. But hey, we all have our vices, right? I shall add hotdogs to my list. ;)