August 28

Today was a beautiful day in Cleveland. I smell fall in the air. The air show is in town for the holiday weekend, so the Blue Angels were flying overhead all day. Although I didn't take that picture, at one point they flew directly over our house and looked exactly like that. 

Toby was scared by the loud noise but missed the planes, so we spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for them to come back around but they didn't… We could hear them but didn't catch a good view of them again. He was putting his shoes on to go outside at one point, and he said, "Shhh, guys!! I hear the fairies! Do you hear them?"

Blue Angels. Fairies.

Tomato. Tom-ah-to.

Whatever, man. 


August 26

Ugh, getting back into the swing of school is HARD… The kids always have a hard time adjusting to the schedule and the workload. Ruby gets emotional, and Clayton gets obstinate. It took him a couple HOURS to get through his homework tonight. I always forget that this happens, or more likely, I hope that we've outgrown this process. 

But I've realized a few things about him lately--what drives me nuts about him, habits I wish he would change or improve--it's ME. 

I see ME, and I don't like it. Funny how our children can be mirrors like that.

More on that and our new school routine later. I've been the Homework Police tonight, and I'm tired. It's a very taxing job. One I didn't apply for but received by default. Those are the hardest ones to do.

August 24: Toby's 4th Birthday Party!

Toby wanted a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, so that's what he got! :) He was so excited and everyone seemed to have a great time. He's such a smart, silly, funny boy, and I feel like he's been 4 forever already...

Batman cake, Batman presents, and a big boy bike and skateboard and tee ball set and more. He's one lucky guy, and not the only one who will be enjoying all those wonderful goodies, I'm sure. 

He was so funny in that ticket blowing machine--he got smart and just started picking the big ones up off the floor instead of trying to grab them out of the air. 4,000+ tickets to spend. Jackpot!

My day:

My claim to fame today: I ALMOST won the skeeball jackpot...


And also, I think I could make a hobby out of photo-bombing little kids on that one ride. lol

August 14

An absolutely perfect day for the Zoo. Have you been there since they put in the carousel? There's a little playground right by it constructed out of all things nature, & it's awesome!! Thickets and caves and beaver dams and streams of water and a wading pool and more. 

I would go to the zoo for no other reason then to sit in a woven wood rocking chair and sip my coffee and watch the kids play. Animals? What animals?