Foto Friday, My Week in Review: November 21-27

Foto Friday is the collection of photo collages from my week. What used to be seperate daily posts are now conveniently bundled together by the week. This one is full of traditions, celebrations and love. Enjoy!

November 21
Today was Eva's 2nd birthday. She is such a sweetheart. We went to Target this morning, and she requested something from Starbucks. I really wasn't going to stop there today, but I couldn't say no to her on her birthday… What can I say, she twisted my arm. We had a fun day together! 

The kids were biting at the bit for her to open her presents, which we were going to save for her party tomorrow, so they picked one for her to open tonight. It was an American Girl-type doll named Eva, which my mom had gotten for her some time ago. She loved it, and Ruby is quite excited to play dollies with her now and share clothes and accessories. 

November 22: Eva's 2nd Birthday Party!
Party Day! The theme was a combination of babies and Frozen--her two favorite things. Baby fish, baby donuts, baby oranges, yummy breakfast and "candy" {pink gum balls}. I asked her repeatedly what she wanted for her birthday, and her answer was always "candy." 

She squealed when she opened up the baby presents, and she was oh-so-blessed by everyone today. Thanks guys!!

P.S. We did something a little different for this birthday party, and I'll share the details about all that after the holidays. :)

November 23
Christmas is in the air, and it materialized as a tree in the living room today. I love watching the excitement in the kid's eyes, especially the baby, who was thrilled to participate this year and hang up some ornaments.

November 24
The kids have been doing "pickle training" since we got the tree up yesterday. One of our Christmas traditions is that we put the pickle ornament in the December 24th cubby in the advent box. Before I go to bed on Christmas Eve, I hide it somewhere in the tree for them to find in the morning. Santa leaves a small prize for the winner along with the presents.

Ruby has disproportionately won over the years {she credits her glasses for that because "they make everything look HUGE" and thus easier to find}, and the boys are determined to have a better shot this time. They started "pickle training" and conducted pickle drills all morning to practice for the big day, taking turns hiding and finding. So funny. Ruby still found it most of the time…

If that's a tradition you'd like to start, too, we got our pickle at Target. The kids love it. Our original one broke, and this one may too by the end of the month. It's well-loved.

November 25
I've loved having the kiddos home this week. It's been a sweet time of rest and a chance to spend some quality moments together. I'll be sad when they go back to school next week…

November 26: Pie Day!
We always spend the day before Thanksgiving baking a few choice pies that we have for breakfast on Thanksgiving Day. Eat all the good stuff first, right? I was reminiscing about two years ago when our pie-making plans got stopped short and we made an impromptu visit to the hospital instead to meet our beautiful baby girl.

The more years go by, the more excitement there is about traditions, and the more little hands there are to help prepare them. In my heart, I have a peace about being "done" with babies, but a part of me knows that another one would blend seamlessly into our family like all the others have before them. That we would look at them in the years to come and wonder what life was like before them and think about how we couldn't have lived without them.

Love is funny like that. In our finite understanding, we underestimate it's capacity for inclusion. For bending, molding, and stretching to accommodate lives. There are never too many to love, because love  has the infinite ability to expand if we allow it. So there will always be a part of my mother heart that will wonder, what if there was another? Because I know I would love them, too.

November 27: Thanksgiving
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Foto Friday, My Week in Review: November 14-20

Foto Friday is the collection of photo collages from my week. What used to be seperate daily posts are now conveniently bundled together by the week. Enjoy!

November 14

We woke up to a LOT more snow! The kids were begging to go out and play ASAP. And it Just. Kept. Coming.

November 15

November 17

November 18

November 19

November 20 

Foto Friday, My Week in Review: November 8-13

Foto Friday is the collection of photo collages from my week. What used to be seperate daily posts are now conveniently bundled together by the week. Enjoy!

November 8

Girls morning at Target, and they poured over all the cute girly things while we were there. Eva kept pulling clothes off the rack and saying, "cute!"

And whoever thought to put Starbucks INSIDE Target = GENIUS. I can think of few better combinations or marketing strategies. They just make getting that yummy cup of coffee so easy….

Toby was reciting the rainbow on the little piano this evening: "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Too." Ruby said, "no, Toby, that's brown, not 'too.'" But he insisted it was.

<laughing til you cry emogi>

November 9

November 10

November 11

That moment when you get out of the car at preschool drop-off, look down, and realize you are still in your pajama pants. I literally forgot to get dressed, and I didn't notice... Perhaps I packed my brain in the lunch boxes this morning. 

November 12

November 13

Frozen underwear, check. M&M rewards, check. Potty training to follow.

Foto Friday, My Week in Review: November 3-7

Foto Friday is the collection of photo collages from my week. What used to be seperate daily posts are now conveniently bundled together by the week. Enjoy!

November 3

November 4

Ok, so get this. I was having an argument with my 7 year old this evening about an apple.

I know, you guys. I have the most exciting life ever.

So we were arguing at bedtime about the fact that he had smashed the apple on the counter and cracked it open and ruined it. Twice. And it made me mad. So I said something along the lines of, "What are you doing??? Didn't I just talk to you about this a few minutes ago?"

Blank stare.

For whatever reason, I get very irritated when the kids waste things, whether it be toothpaste smeared all over the sink or a half-eaten banana thrown in the garbage can. Or apples smashed on the counter at bedtime. And he's just not getting me, you guys. That blank stare. Also quite frustrating when standing on a soapbox. My usual go-to response when they are careless or wasteful is: Do you think that ______ just grows on trees? So I continue...

"It's ruined now. Did you know that a bag of apples costs several dollars? It makes me mad that you wasted this one. Do you think that apples just grow on trees???"


November 5

Poor Eva added a second shiner to the collection she has going on her face… Wood floors and socks aren't a good idea when you're two.

November 6

November 7

Carving pumpkins. 

Yes, I am aware that it's November 7th. I think the most accurate motto for my life, by a long shot, is "Better Late Then Never." 

Maybe that will be my million-dollar book title. I suppose it's best to work with what I've got, right?

November 3: Coming Soon: Foto Friday, My Week in Review?

Mom + Camera

I've been thinking about my blogging system and blogging future lately. It all started almost two years ago with silly photo collages of my day, which made the grandmas very happy. But other people liked them, too, and I realized I might be onto something. So I created a blog to group and archive all the photos in one place, and it's been such a fun resource for our family. I'm excited to watch it grow and continue for years to come, and I think it will be so wonderful to be able to look back on our daily lives. 

I love that there's beauty in the mundane & joy in the mess, hence the tagline of the blog. I also love that God can be found there. He whispers through the cosmos to a speck in the universe that is a mom who spends most of her time at home with the kids, and I can hear Him. I can talk with Him and walk with Him and learn from Him and be transformed by Him, even in the most mundane of moments. He can use my little life and words to do great things, even if the great things for the day are wiping up a spill for the third time, folding the never-ending piles of laundry, reading books, or helping with dreadful homework. He cares enough about me to be interested in my life, in all the intricacies that make up me.

So I would like to delve more into that. More into the meat of life that makes up the day-to-day living, more into the thoughts and struggles, the hope and the inspiration. More into real and messy and hard and beautiful. But it's hard to crank out your best work when you know you will have to post again tomorrow, and you can't get behind. I often scramble to finish a post and get it out by the end of the day, only to go back later and shake my head and cringe at the obvious typos. Or worse, I think of a great one-liner to insert somewhere or a way to tie it all together more eloquently, only to edit it in after most people have already read it…

I'm tired of that. I don't want to crank out good posts when they have the potential to be great, if there was just more margin. Ironic that my blog life needs the exact same thing that my real life needs at times--a little more margin. And besides, I think that maybe posting every day is…a bit much. Probably too much. Most every day for almost two years? Now that's kinda crazy.

I get that a lot. The crazy part.

And besides the grandma's, I doubt that many of you have the time or the desire to see photo posts every day… right?? Please sound off in the comments if I'm incorrect. So my thought is this: I'll still continue to make the photo collages every day {or not, but in this case if I get behind you'll be none the wiser}, but I won't publish them until Friday. It will contain all the collages from the week in one post, like a one-stop photo destination.

Then that frees me up during the week to focus more on the writing aspect without the pressure to prematurely publish a sub-par post. There will probably still be photos intermixed in there, and if there are many good ones for the day, I'll simply publish a separate "Day in Photos" post. So with that change, the number of times I post should drop from an overwhelming 7 times a week to just a whelming amount of 3-4 times or so. Maaaaayyyybe you could actually read most of them then, because it won't be all like…photo!!…photo!!!…surprise….another photo!!!

How does that sound? Thoughts anyone? Maybe you really don't care and you'd just like me to stop talking for the love?

I don't currently have an email option, but I'm going to work on getting that set up after the holidays, as well as get everything moved over to a new Wordpress-based site my husband acquired for me….quite some time ago. I'm just so efficient like that. But in the meantime, you can sign up on that spiffy little Google Friend Connect thingy or keep an eye on Facebook or just check in from time to time.

I do love seeing all of your lovely faces, or traffic sources, from time to time, so do come back. :)

October 31: Trick-or-Treat

Ya... That's the best picture I could get. Too many crazy moving parts. #classic

My costume was the ever popular "Mom in a Downpour." And I rocked it. 

Trick-or-treating in the rain. Good times. That's what you call commitment. #winning