It's the most perfect Cleveland summer day, about 80 degrees with a breeze, the sunlight peeking through green, leafy tree branches as if to steal a glance at us basking in its welcome warmth. It's not too hot; it's just right. The breeze isn't so cold as to require a sweater or blanket but just cool enough to wick the moisture off our freckled, sun-kissed arms.
These aren't difficult realizations––the fact that my body zeroed in on the most temperate, enjoyable weather. I don't have to be convinced to cover up when I'm cold or turn my face upward to catch the warmth of the sun. These are just things I know how to do. You probably do, too.
"Those who dwell....among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life." R. Carson
I've been thinking, because I love to mentally sort out all the things and follow the maze of the golden cord that holds the secrets of the universe, unraveling it from the bigger picture one thread at a time. Something I've concluded lately is that we know a lot more than we give ourselves credit. That translating the heartbeat of our souls is not, in fact, some grand mystery, but it's simply opening our eyes to see what's right in front of us and the things we already know.
My guess is your deepest passions and desires have already been tumbling around in your brain for years. They're probably good and wrinkle-free by now––they just need a voice. They need formed into words. They need feet running forward to give them life.
What is the one thing you do really well without even having to think about it? The thing you can explain to people without needing to research or prepare? Do that thing. What's so incredibly obvious to you isn't so much to everyone else, and we need you to do your thing so we can see the world like you do.
Or conversely, have you figured out how to sustain a big family and live well on a really tight budget? (asking for a friend, naturally) Do your children serve without complaint? (---> future blog post idea) Do you have the community activist role, or a laundry routine, down to a science? What we're all begging to know is, how did you get there? Tell us about that thing. What steps did you take, what process did you follow, what are all the things that didn't work? You know how you got there, friend––you lived it! Don't be afraid to dig deep and offer your experience to others.
It's easy to spend too much time thinking about an idea or vision and not enough time actually putting it into practice, because that's the hard part, right? But as Barbara Brown Taylor says, "the doing will teach you what you need to know." The doing will sort out the kinks, not more thinking. The doing will showcase problem areas, not more learning, brainstorming, planning, or researching. The doing, ultimately, will show you what works.
So just go for it! Give it––whatever that is for you––life and a voice and a track on which to run. Pound those words out on the page. Make the phone call. Schedule the meeting. Show up scared.
This is me showing up for you today with what I have and what I know. A shorter-than-normal post, scattered thoughts, but here just as I am. Now it's your turn. You already know what to do.
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