What’s the matter?
It doesn’t matter.
It’s nothing.
I’m fine.
You are matter.
Made of matter.
A state of matter.
Preferably solid.
Everyone is matter.
Everyone matters.
Everything is matter.
It all matters.
You matter.
He matters.
She matters.
They matter(s).
Here’s the truth, the marrow beneath the matter.
The solution, perhaps, to all that is the matter
with this disconnected world:
Your matter is me, and my matter is you.
The matter of our minds might differ wildly,
but we are all made of the same matter.
Quarks and leptons, protons and neutrons.
Hair and flesh, blood and bone.
What matters is the manner in which we’re made:
Crafted in the very image of God.
We are infinite souls in a human-matter shell.
Our matter is given meaning by the Maker.
Desperate to be a part of something that matters,
we will believe anything. We will do anything.
Does it matter if I invest in what matters?
It will matter; give it time.
But in a world where everything matters,
How do we find the eternal matter?
It turns out, the only matter that will survive
long after our demise is not matter at all.
Only three things will matter in the end––
Faith, hope, and above all, love.
While forever is firmly out of our grasp,
we still have the matter at hand:
The matter I can reach out and grab with a fist,
and the one beyond, which is often missed.
What matters are the people in front of you today,
the next thing you do, the next word you say.