So, something really cool happened today. I figured out that I can imbed a 30 second video into my day collage!! How cool is that? Now it won't just be my day, but my day in animation... Oh the possibilites with that one! Real life in real time. But even better than that...
EVA STARTED WALKING!! She took 5 steps two times, and I got the second try on video! The kids and I were right there for it. I was actually talking to Clayton about his behavior in school and she took a step. Right there. We all stopped what we were doing and almost held our breath. No one said a word. Five steps, and then she bottomed out. Much cheering and excitement. Our babe is growing up all too fast...
Or would this format be better, with the video seperate? In the above version, you can't really see the other pictures very well...