October 9

The kids got their school pictures back, and they're really cute! I love their sweet smiles. :) I noticed the "standard" child safety cards in with their photos, and my heart became heavy... There is so much evil in the world that having an ID card in the event that your child should go missing is "standard." I know that photos save lives & you should always be prepared, but the thought of it all just makes me sick. 

So, in an effort to make myself feel better, I research. Child safety, prevention, tips, statistics on child abduction & exploitation. This is what I do instead of running to God sometimes. I know it's not right, but it makes me feel like I have some amount of control over the matter. Also, I get very smart about the things I freak out about. Ask me anything you want about black mold, bed bugs, rashes, or poop, & I can tell ya. Add child abduction to the list. 

But research doesn't really make me feel better. I searched for sex offenders within  a mile of our home, because I was just cruising along the information highway, and guess how many it found? 

10? No. 

25, you say? Nope. 

50?!?! Nah.


That is not a number that helps you sleep at night. Clearly, I am not in control, and when I try to be, I really suck at it. I know The Lord doesn't call us to live in fear & is in perfect control of our lives, whether we acknowledge it or not. And He is good. I will rest in that tonight.

October 7

"It's true that some women's lives look perfect from a distance. But only from a distance. Often we are tempted to compare ourselves with other women. We compare ourselves to their looks, their lives. We can diminish the sorrow of our own personal histories by knowing a friend with a much more painful history. That is an unwise thing to do. Your life matters. Your joys, your sorrows matter."
~Captivating {Small Group Study Guide}, John & Stasi Eldredge

If we could read the secret histories of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

October 2: We Have a Walker!

So, something really cool happened today. I figured out that I can imbed a 30 second video into my day collage!! How cool is that? Now it won't just be my day, but my day in animation... Oh the possibilites with that one! Real life in real time. But even better than that...

EVA STARTED WALKING!! She took 5 steps two times, and I got the second try on video! The kids and I were right there for it. I was actually talking to Clayton about his behavior in school and she took a step. Right there. We all stopped what we were doing and almost held our breath. No one said a word. Five steps, and then she bottomed out. Much cheering and excitement. Our babe is growing up all too fast...

Or would this format be better, with the video seperate? In the above version, you can't really see the other pictures very well...

September 28

To chop my hair & donate it to Locks of Love or keep it long. Hmmm... Thoughts?

Also, can anyone tell me how to properly cut a mango? I peel it, which turns it into a slippery orb of death, and it constantly threatens to slide out from under my hand as I chop it, cutting my fingers off in the process. Basically, I hack away at it until I locate the skinny, long pit inside & do my best to get off all the fruit. Any better ideas?