October 18: It's Hard to Be Cool

This morning I came back downstairs after running up to get my laptop. As I neared the bottom step, I saw Clayton, disguised as Wolverine, running towards me with a Nerf gun. In an effort to be funny & play along, I take off running down the hallway into the kitchen. I had this supercool move all planned out in my head where I would effortlessly toss the plate that I was also carrying into the sink as I ran by, round the corner into the living room & keep going, evading the oncoming bullets.

But something went terribly wrong. I don't know if it was the dog or my pant leg that got in the way, or simply just too much "supercool" multitasking, but I completely missed the sink and dropped my laptop on the floor. Actually, I dropped my self on the floor, with the laptop. Completely biffed, crashed to the floor and slammed into the dishwasher. Scraped up my ankle, knee, elbow & fingers. The kids were laughing at me, of course, & Clayton said, "Um, Mom? Maybe you shouldn't be running in the house..."

Yes, thank you for that. I like my advice best served cold with a side of eat-your-own-words.


In other news, this wonderful husband of mine proposed to me on a beach 10 years ago today on Sweetest Day. He had it all planned out so beautifully & I had no clue. Totally surprised. And I said "yes!" of course, but not before I said, "are you kidding me?!?!?!", which I will never live down. EVER.

Good memories & a great 10 years. We are blessed!

October 16

Quite the appropriate bible passage for today after my post last night. I kinda chuckled to myself--God does know exactly what we need when we need it. And before my feet hit the ground this morning, late, I did remember to love with beauty. To make a conscious choice to be kind, encouraging & give life. Beautiful. 

I write mostly because I need to for me. To flesh out the things God is teaching me in my own life and attempt to cement them into my heart. But it's a bonus if someone else benefits in the process!

October 15: Love with Beauty

"Today when you nurture, love & meet the needs of your beloveds with beauty, it will make a difference in how they face their whole day." 
~Sally Clarkson

I read that quote yesterday, and it stuck with me. It's pretty powerful that your actions have the ability to make or break the day of someone else. I think it hit me hard because the mornings before sending the kids off to school at the end of last week were especially rough {read: tired, cranky momma, lacking patience and grace and yelling at children. Rushing, nagging and otherwise putting everyone else in a foul mood and/or making them feel lousy, then expecting them to run off to school and "have a good day." Savvy? Yes, I believe I just channeled Jack Sparrow. But that has nothing to do with the story. Moving on.} Then Clayton got sent to the office Thursday and again on Friday for reacting in anger and being physical with his peers. If he hits another kid, he will be suspended. Coincidence? Hmmm.

And even tonight I caught myself on three different occasions reacting to Clayton in anger before giving him a chance to explain or trying to understand what transpired. And I made him cry. Each time. Mom fail. Although I was quick to apologize, the anger still hurts. I know.

So what would it look like to "nurture, love and meet the needs of your beloveds with beauty?" Well, I've learned a little about beauty from the book Captivating {by John & Stasi Eldredge}, and it is a powerful thing. Here's what they say about beauty:

  • Beauty Speaks: It tells us, all will be well. "There is room for your soul...you can breathe again. You can rest. It is good. All is well." Peace. Calmness.
  • Beauty Invites: "You want to enter in, explore, partake of it, feast upon it...It draws you in, holds your attention. You can't wait to get back to it, spend time with it." Captivating. Enjoyable to be around.
  • Beauty Nourishes: It offers life. In word and deed.
  • Beauty Comforts: "There is something profoundly healing about it...It soothes the soul."
  • Beauty Inspires: It calls us to something higher. It lets us know that life can be better. Ignites imaginations. Fuels dreams.
  • Beauty is Transcendent: "It is our most immediate experience of the eternal...Sometimes the beauty is so deep that it pierces us with longing. For what? For life as it was meant to be...Beauty speaks of heaven to come, when all shall be beautiful. It haunts us with eternity. Beauty says, there is a glory calling to you. And if there's glory, there is a source of glory...Beauty draws us to God."


Beauty draws us to God. Lord, before my feet hit the ground tomorrow morning, probably late, as usual, would you fill me with more of You and less of me. Help me to nurture, love, and meet the needs of my beloveds with beauty, in Your strength.

Every experience of beauty points to [eternity].  ~Hans Urs Von Balthasar

What aspect of beauty stuck out to you, and how can you apply that to loving those in your life better?

October 12: Tattoo Fundraiser

My Relay for Life team had a tattoo fundraiser today, & I got one. I was a sweaty, nervous, hot mess. Hi, my name is Jacqui. It's been almost ten years since my last tattoo, and I'm scared to death. {Hi Jacqui.} My pep talk to myself was as follows: "Woman, you've had 4 kids!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!"

I know it's a small tattoo, but it hurt like hades. About halfway through I was like, I'M READY FOR THE EPIDURAL NOW!! I'm a wuss. And actually what I thought was halfway through really wasn't... He got to the end, and just as I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking we were done, he says, "I need to go over it one more time..." Slightly into the second round, he says "I'll just need to go over it five more times." I was like, "WHAT?!?!?" He was messing with me. You know, trying to crack a joke while he's repeatedly stabbing me with a needle. So not funny...

And then when we were done done, he says, "it might need touched up once it heals. See how it looks. You can come back in anytime." 

Ok. I'll get right on that. Like, maybe ten years from now.