Real Life Still Life, Vol. 4
Titled, "The State of Our Lives"
I've walked past the kitchen table, which I'd cleared and wiped off following dinner (a rarity for me), numerous times this fine night and just noticed it's once again a disaster zone. It probably has been for a while because bedtime was hours ago.
As a family we are incredibly awesome at getting things out. We are equally unawesome at putting things away. But I suppose all families need to be the unawesomest at something, right?
Foto Friday {Except on Thursday}, My Week in Review: December 26-January 1
Christmas 2014: The Day in Photos
All is calmβ¦ All is brightβ¦
Slightly grainy but still cute.
I love the early morning sleepy faces.
He saw this picture later and said, "why am I hugging my stocking?"
Our little angel baby. :)
Santa made his day.
The great pickle search begins.
Aaaaannndd no surprise, Ruby found it.
Quite the WARM Christmas this year. No snow for days.
We made a nice big breakfast, and Ben made pancakes especially for the kids. They usually love pancakes, but they didn't really eat today for some reason. Maybe the excitement. Maybe too many stocking treats. But this would be the "after breakfast" picture, not before or during.
The kids had already left the table and Ben and I were talking about the neighborhood, wondering out loud if those around us had a Christmas this year. He stared out the window, deep in thought, and I said that I should empty the trash can so I had somewhere to put all this food. Because who saves a bunch of cut up, half-eaten pancakes mushy with syrup? The sharp, piercing contrast didn't escape me, though. I couldn't believe it just seamlessly flowed out of my mouth like that, but it had. A quick skip rock throw from poverty to food in such abundance it needs to be thrown away.
To bridge that gap between desperate need and abundance, without enabling but teaching, equipping, and empowering, to care for the widows and orphans, to truly live in community, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly--those are worthwhile pursuits. But I'm not sure how to do that with leftover pancakes.
"What makes you say that?" I replied.
"Because the box is right here in the recycle bin!!"
"Well, maybe Santa recycles. You never know. Maybe he decided to go green this year."
December 22: Christmas Cookie Day, a Day in Photos
Foto Friday, My Week in Review: December 19-24
A little behind on the Foto Fridays, so playing catch up today. From a few weeks ago...
December 19
December 22: Cookie Day (see here)
December 23
December 24
Foto Friday, My Week in Review: December 12-18
Real Life Still Life, Vol. 3
Titled, "Oh Shid!"
Circa December 16, 2014
Tonight the two year old somehow fell off her potty while she was sitting on it like she'd knocked back a few too many pints of apple juice or something. All we heard from the dinner table was a small crash followed by "oh shid!"
Hrm. Extra points for irony?
Apparently we are NAILING this whole Advent thing over here. You?
Foto Friday, My Week in Review: November 28-December 4
Foto Friday is the collection of photo collages from my week. What used to be seperate daily posts are now conveniently bundled together by the week. Enjoy!
The moment when your skinny jeans start to fit more like, you know, jeggings, is probably the same moment when you should start actually working out instead of, you know, just thinking about it.
Tonight was Toby's preschool Christmas concert, and he was so cute! He was scared and wanted me to be up there with him, which I couldn't do, of course. So I drew a heart on his hand on the side of the room where we would be sitting so he could find me, and find me he did! Big smiles and waves.
November 28
Tonight Ruby prayed:
Thank you for God, thank you for me,
Thank you for poop, thank you for Sophie.
November 29
November 30
December 1
December 2
December 3
December 4